Friday, October 15, 2010

Latest Mavenlink Blog Posts on Business, Collaboration, and the Cloud

We like to keep you all updated with what we find helpful for small businesses to thrive, especially in the online world.  Here is a quick write-up with links to each post.  Enjoy!

Time Tracking, Expense Tracking & Invoicing - This is a tutorial on our time tracking software, expense tracking software, and online invoicing software that will really help service providers, small businesses, and freelancers work well in the cloud.

Businessman green smaller

Work Green with Google Docs - This is how you can work more efficiently, while "working green," with Google Docs and the Google Apps product.

Today's Freelance Economy Require Keeping Clients Happy - This is a great piece from the Mavenlink CEO & Founder, Ray Grainger.  Focusing on the freelance market, I think the title tells you the rest.  This was first published in Corp! Magazine.

Is Modern Management Extinct? - This was first published by Alan Murray of the Wall Street Journal and is a great article on the change in management in the workplace today.

Riding a Bigger and Better Wave - This is an article on why you should use Mavenlink as your Google Wave replacement.  We have all of the features, plus so much more like the time tracking software, expense tracking software, and online invoicing software that I mentioned above, plus we are rolling out private label, which looks amazing.

If you have any questions, please email us at or on Twitter.

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